搜索 雷·库珀

  • THE CONCERT FOR GEORGE is currently playing in theatres. (This is being written in October, 2003.) I believe the DVD will include this version with other material, but, since that won't be out until November, I'm only commenting on what's being seen in movie theatres. This is a film of a memorial concert. George Harris…
  • 电影冒险
    某年,土耳其大军压境,被围困的英国小城内,亨利剧团正在搬演吹牛大王拜伦·慕乔森的故事,岂料戏的中途慕乔森(John Neville 饰)真身到场,他宣称这次战争完全由自己和土耳其苏丹的一个赌局引起,凭借四名本领高强的仆从,慕乔森席卷土耳其皇室宝库,苏丹因此开战。话音未落,土耳其的炮火摧毁了剧场,慕乔森动员群众用衣裙制成热气球,带上…