- Four childhood friends, all married with no passion left, get together in a high school reunion dinner. Between laughs and drinks, they all agree that they love their wives but no longer desire them. Together they hatch an illogical project: a secret club for men who want to cheat, so that they themselves can regain lu…
- 托比,一个愤世嫉俗的广告导演,发现自己陷入了一个古代西班牙鞋匠的荒唐幻想中,他相信自己就是堂吉诃德。在他们越来越超现实的冒险过程中,托比被迫直面他 在青年时代拍摄的一部电影的悲剧性后果——这部电影永远地改变了一个西班牙小村庄的希望和梦想。托比能补偿并找回初心吗?堂吉诃德能在他的疯狂和即将来临的死亡中幸存吗?爱情能战胜一切…