搜索 안연홍

  • 韩国KBS台1频道的大河剧,从1987年10月到1989年8月每周六、日晚播出。为虚构作品。以庆尚南道河东郡为背景,讲述大地主崔参判家族的没落和东山再起,以及李龙一家三代的故事。此剧描绘1897年朝鲜王朝结束至1945年朝鲜半岛光复前,传统社会的崩溃和新浪潮涌入,处于动荡的时代下的朝鲜半岛人民生活。
  • Nam-do and Nam-shik are two brothers who were raised by their poor grandmother on a mountainside in a remote region of Kangwon Province. Hoping to receive a salary to support his family, Nam-do takes the airforce entrance exam but he fails. He is forced to move to Seoul to earn a living. Nam-shik remains to care for th…