- 只有五百万人口的丹麦,从来不是足球大国,但是80年代初期,随着劳德鲁普、埃尔克耶尔和舒梅切尔的出现,丹麦队带给世界足坛一股冲击。1992年的欧洲杯,已遭淘汰的丹麦队顶替被禁赛的前南斯拉夫队参赛,竟然神奇般地闯入决赛,最终夺得丹麦足球史上首座国际冠军奖杯,向世人证明丹麦不仅有奶酪和啤酒,还有可以实现的丹麦童话。
- In September 1940, after seven years of exile, Walter Benjamin crosses the Pyrenees in a desperate attempt to escape the Nazis. According to the official version, Walter Benjamin did make it across the French-Spanish border successfully. But when he arrived in the Catalan town of Portbou, a sudden change in legislation…
- The story is of a married woman who, grieving her inability to have children, finds comfort and healing in her friendship with another man. It's about discovering grace in darkness and the unexpected places we find healing.生活在乔治亚州一个小镇里的南希,刚刚经历了一次流产。因为悲伤,她彻夜难眠,于是偷偷观察起新搬来的邻居克莱的一举一动。克莱和他的祖父就住在街对面。不久,南希和克莱就熟悉了,而且关系很密切,以至于引…
- based on the autobiographical book "Ya -sam" (I-myself) by Vladimir Mayakovsky the leading Russian Futurist poet of the beginning of the 20th century..
- 主 演:阿·吐依贡 ;阿提坎姆 艾尼瓦尔 阿依努尔 居来提制作公司:天山电影制片厂越是贪财的人越会自作聪明。个体老皮鞋匠喀孜木就是这么一个人。实行经济开放政策以来,他的皮鞋生意很兴隆。但他贪得无厌,尽想些歪点子变着法赚昧心钱。他有一儿一女,儿子叫艾力,是个呆板、憨厚的人,但受他影响,也有点唯利是图;女儿谢依达漂亮、温柔,又…
- A young woman is writing a series of love letters, telling her lover the story of O, for his entertainment, but also, it seems, as a challenge. O is a fashion photographer, who falls for Rene, a wealthy man who proceeds to take her to the manor of Sir Stephen, where for several weeks, along with other women, she is ens…