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  • Two show-business women leave Los Angeles for Las Vegas, but phoney state troopers abduct them in the desert and they are taken to a laboratory / prison. Here, males come to experience sexual fantasies, which it is the job of the two girls and other pulchritudinous captives to flesh out. The captors force an hypnotic d…
  • Two aliens come to Earth seeking their missing comrade, Kara, and find that she has taken an intense interest in human sexual behavior. As they follow along on her path, a nerdish UFO type and his fiance track them, while a mysterious "man in black" tracks them.
  • Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food and violent video games to bogus educational products and the family car. Drawing on the insights of health care professionals, children'…
  • Un detective privato e il suo assistente sono costretti, per scoprire se nella vita di un ricco uomo d’affari ci sia un’altra donna, a fingersi il primo un maggiordomo omosessuale e il secondo una cuoca vergine e timorata di Dio. Il compit…
  • 本片讲述了一个年轻女子回到了她阿根廷的老家,接着发生了一连串奇怪的事,她的姐姐、妹妹都死了,而她又被鬼魂和不祥的预感烦扰,究竟这一切是怎么回事呢?片中自有答案。本片是1998年美国出品的动作片。导演和监制都是Lawrence Lanoff,他也在影片中出演了一个角色。本片的主要演员包括了卡门·伊莱克特拉、肖娜·山德、康拉德·巴奇曼、蒂姆…
  • Cody Abiliene 是一个小有名气侦探,他急需要要接手一个大案子来证明自己。当他受命去负责 Luciana 伯爵夫人丈夫被谋杀的案子,这正是如愿以偿的一次机会。在伯爵庄园调查的过程中,他逐渐的发现了复杂的间谍活动和勒索事件……Cody Abiliene is a semi-successful private detective desperately in need of …
  • "THE GODDAUGHTER" ... "She Made Him an Offer He Couldn't Refuse!"The Godfather is a "sissy", and the "Mob" bumps him off. Since the old man has already passed away, his daughter, "Sonny" Carrione and Tommie Fagan, the "consigliori", of the Family,-must find a …