搜索 Abashidze

  • A famous surgeon named Nino, who came to the village, is requested to perform the operation. She recognizes her ex-husband Akia is the wounded person and now her difficult past is there before her eyes: Almaskhan's son Akia raped orphaned Nino. She and her real love Giorgi cannot be together. Life becomes monotonous fo…
  • Sofiko Chiaureli win the Best Actress Award at Locarno International Film Festival 1965.
  • From the mid 50s together with the films shot by well-known Soviet (according to their subjectmatter and stylistics) film directors ("A Dragon-fly" by Dolidze, "They Came from the Mountains" by Sanishvili, etc.) there began to appear the films by young film directors who managed to combine exactness…
  • 在我国五十年代上映过一部由长影译制的苏联电影《蜻蜓姑娘》,其中的插曲《玛利诺之歌》那是在我国家喻户晓。这部影片描写在前苏联的格鲁吉亚共和国的一个集体农庄里,有个叫玛利诺的年轻姑娘,长得很漂亮,也很聪明,美妙的歌声响遍原野,像春天的小鸟一样到处歌唱。但人们并不欢迎这样的小鸟,给她起了个外号“蜻蜓”。蜻蜓姑娘有个很大的缺点…
  • 《皮罗斯马尼》(1969)是他最著名的作品,也是格鲁吉亚最令人惊奇的作品。影片模仿皮罗斯马尼的绘画,以朴素、风格化、宛如置身幻境的画面,叙述了这位画家的生平。影片以缩影的形式和独特的节奏表现了这位艺术家的忧郁、孤独和缺乏知音的生活,几乎没有对白;但同时,影片却揭示了画家的内心世界,表现了他心驰神往的绘画主题,竭力去探索他的性…
  • 一个年轻的作曲家出发前往格鲁吉亚的几个城市旅行,非常希望能够采集各地的民谣。但是他的同伴却相信,他是受到一个革命组织派遣,为的是计划未来的行动。影片一开始便笼罩着一股不祥的预兆,像是暴风雨前的宁静。导演与摄影师微妙地在消极的安详和积极的罪行之间,营造出令人不安的张力。这种宁静的张力持续着,但是诡异的气氛却悄悄地扩散,爆…
  • Вернувшись из Парижа, Сосико Чолокашвили знакомит своих соотечественников с киноаппаратом. Для создания национального кинематографа молодой человек обращается к городски…
  • 本片是格鲁吉亚功勋女演员Leila Abashidze集编导演于一身的唯一一部作品.http://www.geocinema.ge/en/index.php?filmi=343A surreal trip about a strange georgian woman going to Paris. It's a little bit fantastic, funny but still warmly cutie movie.http://en.wik…
  • Nikolai Ispolatov plays the lead character in this story taken from famed Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The visitor is a 33-year-old intellectual who moves into a mansion run by a father, a son, and a daughter. The uneducated trio communicates in their own language of unrecognizable sounds of grunting. The visito…