- 在威严雄壮的皇宫附近,厚实的围墙上贴满了禁止偷盗的警告和悬赏捉拿窃贼小约翰和罗宾汉的告示。围墙的另一面是国王的植物园,方寸天地内种植了好吃的胡萝卜。虽然边上的牌子再次注明禁止偷盗,却无法挡住宵小之徒的贪婪之手。趁人不注意时候,一只灰色的爪子伸了出来。那是狡猾聪明的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音),他偷了一根胡萝卜…
- A drug runner is forced to go on the run with his sister to escape a mysterious assassin who was hired by his former boss to settle a debt.
- Striving to make the greatest animated film of all time, visionary animator Richard Williams ('Who framed Roger Rabbit') toiled for more than a quarter century on his masterpiece - only to have it torn from his hands. Filmmaker Kevin Schreck has woven together mind-blowing animation, rare archival footage, and exclusiv…