搜索 Abbe

  • March 11, 2002. John R., a heavily-armed, 59-year-old bus driver, takes employees in the Rembrandt Tower in Amsterdam hostage. Six months after September 11, police and government officials are in a serious state of panic. The man is protesting against widescreen TV and thinks the black bars in widescreen broadcasts co…
  • a REALLY REALLY REALLY strange film!De komst of Joachim Stiller is based upon the novel of Hubert Lampo. I know the writer personally and it's hard to believe that such a charming person writes such a strange book.Anyway, I find this movie one of the best Belgian movies ever made. I do have the television version on vi…
  • While out on the town in Berlin, Raymond sees and falls for Harlis, a star of a troupe of lesbian cabaret strippers. Attracted to a man for the first time, Harlis leaves her long time girlfriend and dance partner. Overwhelmed by jealousy and anger, his brother (Peter) and his ex-fiancee (Ria) are determined to sabotage…
  • 在洛杉矶的一个晚上,HOPE面对她离开俄亥俄后所有的错误决定,而最大的错误即将来临,他的前男友WILL决定誓死挽回她的爱..
  • The show is one of the very few ones playing which has a content that isn't presumptuous nor pompous. Indeed, its sincere depiction of young adults living hardships is very far from the obvious fictitious elements of the show which showed its viewers a rather idealistic portrayal of urban life, one view actually so far…
  • 电影动作
    在人类称为“炼狱”的中立世界,7位身为光明守护者的亚克天使和7位身为黑暗战士的堕落天使悄无声息地斗争了几个世纪。双方每一段时期只能各派遣一名勇士降临炼狱,并伪装成人类互相争斗。然而堕落天使一方过于强大,亚克天使的前6位勇士接连遭受挫败,在这片被堕落天使统治的灰暗无望的世界中自甘堕落。\r\n  光明守护者一方最后的希望——加…
  • 电影恐怖
    制片人阿方索(AdamHuss饰)带着摄制组前往墨西哥的卡巴•圣卢卡斯,准备拍摄一部低成本的色情影片。但是他们的车在沙漠中迷路,汽油也消耗殆尽。在当地人的指引下,他们向最近的加油站前进,但同时也得到一个建议,那就是“绕开恐怖的神血镇”。  当地有一个传说,曾经墨西哥最棒的摔角手“面具人”(ReyMisterioSr.饰)比赛中精神失常,杀掉…
  • 故事根据真实人物的纪录片阿伯顿兄弟(Abberton brothers)的真实故事改编,Bra Boyz是一群在澳洲悉尼海滩小有名气的匪帮(Gang group),但他们同时热爱冲浪运动。。。PS. Russell Crowe将作旁白解说和导演。sonychen 注
  • based on the soon to be republished novel by A.C. Weisbecker, the movie follows the adventures of some Colombian marijuana smugglers on the lam in the jungle.