搜索 Labbé

  • Philippe是南法一所消防营的头儿。夏季炎热炙烤,无论天灾还是人祸,火灾隐患四伏,时有爆发可能。军士长Benedicte来到消防营,与40多岁的老手Xavier同级。营外随时可能有火情危机,营内氛围也紧张起来。影片聚焦这些平凡英雄的生活:冲在火情第一线,也在生活的第一线上。   这是Pierre Jolivet时隔一年半后导演的第16部长篇电影,将镜头对…
  • From the infinitely small to the infinitely big, everything in the universe is tightly connected, when interacting, when rebuilding, in a combination of movements in perpetual metamorphosis.
  • You can run, but you cannot hide, The Beast is always coming after you. In THE CHASE, a team of three contestants attempts to amass as much money as possible by answering quick-fire questions in a 60-second round. The money earned will go towards a team bank. Why the urgency? Because The Beast is always lurking, ready …
  • The story revolves around a century (starting in the year 1900) in the lives of two families; the rich Desrochers-Mannings who own a summer home and the poor Belziles their closest neighbors. The rich and the poor's lives are intermingled in a realistic way.
  • The show is one of the very few ones playing which has a content that isn't presumptuous nor pompous. Indeed, its sincere depiction of young adults living hardships is very far from the obvious fictitious elements of the show which showed its viewers a rather idealistic portrayal of urban life, one view actually so far…
  • 夜店浪子亨利个性向来狂放不羁、过着荒唐的生活。有天深夜驾车,因为对红灯的不耐、他一反常态猛转弯,却迎面撞上了一个女人。出于害怕,肇事后的亨利竟仓惶逃逸…怀孕八个月的娜塔莉在医院醒来,得知腹中小孩已经失去生命,使她原本充满希望的人生瞬间变调…。满怀悔恨的亨利,肇事后饱受良心折磨,他虽疯狂翻阅所有报纸,却未发现任何消息,于…
  • TheChaseSeason1
    You can run, but you cannot hide, The Beast is always coming after you. In THE CHASE, a team of three contestants attempts to amass as much money as possible by answering quick-fire questions in a 60-second round. The money earned will go towards a team bank. Why the urgency? Because The Beast is always lurking, ready …
  • 迷离小镇第一季
    来自《真爱如血》(True Blood)的演员Anna Paquin将主演加拿大CBC八集罪案剧《谜中案》,Allen Leech和Shawn Doyle参与演出。《谜中案》由Jane Maggs和Adrienne Mitchell创作,故事设定在加拿大北部的蓝领小镇贝尔维尤。那里有许多「好人」,他们过着「正确的生活」。为了确保街坊邻居和他们一样「正确」,他们不惜干出许多出格的事情。这个小…
  • Jack, given the task of cleaning up the CIA, makes difficult decisions that have immediate consequences. A www.inpian.com cartel operator moves in the shadows to organize an important meeting.