搜索 Lemieux

  • Sweeping away stigma - tackling mental health issues through film. Bess Lavigne is a gifted curler who doesn't curl competitively, because of an anxiety disorder she's been afflicted with since childhood, and, who ultimately finds redemption while coaching four down-and-out women struggling with their own issues.
  • The movie follows the adventures of four lovable young idiots as they embark on a journey into the underworld to save their sexy landlord's house from foreclosure. In their quest to raise $50 000 in three days, they find themselves caught in the midst of a holy war where survival is their only hope.
  • This abstract yet compelling philosophical tale uses the Alexeïeff-Parker pinscreen as a metaphor for the particles that make up the universe. Through 4 tableaux that explore her character’s thoughts, filmmaker Michèle Lemieux takes a look…
  • 当查尔斯·勒布伦得知老板17岁的女儿怀孕时,他担心与之在加拿大度假的16岁侄女乔·勒(来自法国)可能会落入同样的陷阱。所以他和他的妻子决定给她讲《鸟与蜜蜂》等性知识,但事实出乎意料--她已经见多识广了,并且反给他们讲了一个关于同时性高潮的讲座。不可思议,她居然鼓励这对性压抑的夫妇去开始尝试“现代形式”的性……
  • The story revolves around a century (starting in the year 1900) in the lives of two families; the rich Desrochers-Mannings who own a summer home and the poor Belziles their closest neighbors. The rich and the poor's lives are intermingled in a realistic way.
  • 电影剧情
  • As a filmmaker, musician and composer, Kaveh Nabatian doesn’t want to choose between music and film. He’d rather combine both disciplines as far as possible. For instance in this multidisciplinary project, for which he cooperated with six …
  • 此片将呈现一个桃花源外的黑暗世界,这里的人们对犯罪和暴力司空见惯,而人性的光辉在这里却像夜空中的星星一样闪闪发亮。 27岁的文森特在偷当地暴民的毒品时被抓了个现行,他自此开始了逃亡生活。文森特很想回到过去平静的生活,然而他却遇到了多年前已失去联系的哥哥——米歇尔。当文森特努力让自己回到正常的生活时,他却发现了哥哥米歇尔生…