- This fantasy action-adventure series follows four teenage boys who get lost in the forest and discover, when they return home, that they are in an alternate world identical to theirs except for one startling difference - they were never born.In season two, Jake, Sam, Andy and Felix discover that despite making their wa…
- 由姜虎东、李寿根、神童主持的Wavve原创网络综艺《购买时间里的人们:About Time》将于24日独家公开。《About Time》是一则对各领域最顶尖的特级嘉宾的时间进行拍卖的节目,并且中标金额将全款捐赠,蕴含着温暖的意义,是国内首个‘时间拍卖’节目。
- 本剧改编自Dolly Alderton的同名畅销回忆录,聚焦两个童年密友,Maggie (Emma appleton饰)和Birdy (Bel Powley饰)。故事以2012年伦敦的合租房为背景,混合对21世纪初郊区青春期的回忆,毫不掩饰地深入探讨了糟糕的约会、心痛和羞辱。