搜索 Abou

  • 电影悬疑
  • 快速动眼睡眠
  • About a Hero
    After Dorem Clery supposedly commits suicide in despair over losing his job to a machine, Werner Herzog travels to Getunkirchenburg to investigate his perplexing death. But Herzog, our narrator, is not who he seems, and the film, not what we expect.
  • Töngö sondi
    IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling Surinamese director Ruben Cabenda took his inspiration for the short animated film Töngö sondi from the story of the Tower of Babel. Wriggling tongues form a tower, tear off limbs, crawl ou…
  • 慧童
  • 电影动作
    阿武(吴奇隆 饰)从小失去了父母成为了流落街头的流浪汉,和好友小鬼儿(萧颖 饰)过着相依为命的生活,平日里依靠兼职武打替身演员赚钱糊口。受过太多的冷遇和伤害,阿武渐渐用冷漠和无情武装柔软的内心,但本质上,阿武依旧是一个善良的好人。某日,阿武邂逅了名为琪琪(徐若瑄 饰)的美丽女子,被其美貌深深吸引,遂展开了热烈的攻势。只是…
  • Es geht um Luis
    Jens Brandt works long night and weekend shifts as a taxi driver. His wife, Constanze Brandt, is working hard to get a permanent job as an architect at her current place of work. As a result, the couple practically only sees each other in the taxi when Jens gives Constanze a ride home. When they find out that their son…
  • 电影生活
  • 电影喜剧
    Waël, un ancien enfant des rues, vit en banlieue parisienne de petites arnaques qu’il commet avec Monique, une femme à la retraite qui tient visiblement beaucoup à lui.Sa vie prend un tournant le jour où un ami de cette dernière, Vict…