搜索 Abramoff

  • Driven to make the world better for his baby girl, John Ennis pieces together the cycle of pay-to-play politics that rules America. When insiders control the game, how can an outsider have a voice? Through first-time candidates in Ohio, following the money in our elections, and uncovering the secret history of Monopoly…
  • 本片是一部关于“说客”杰克·阿布莫拉夫的纪录片。杰克·阿布莫拉夫是共和党的“政治机器”,当年,还在念大学的他野心勃勃且雄心壮志地支持里根竞选总统。里根当选之后,他又跑去了好莱坞混了十年。十年之后,政治局势错综复杂,他又开始了投机的“说客”生涯。后来,杰克·阿布莫拉夫受贿丑闻败露,他和数名白宫高官一同落马。围绕着杰克·阿…
  • 电影