- London. 2009, mid-October. Summer gives way to autumn and the city swarms with people sucking in the stale air. Cars sit and choke at traffic lights. Trains cough out passengers. Evenings draw in like shadows over lungs. Clubs and bars pump out their music in dying gasps. And there is news of a second mysterious death.…
- 本片并不是从政治和军事角度,而是从士兵、家庭主妇、工人、护士和孩童角度来讲述一战的故事。本片再现了战争对14位主角的人生带来重大影响的事件,并把他们的命运交织在一起。本片所讲述的不仅是一战的政治或军事历史,而且是一段深刻展现了平常人真情实感的故事。----------14 - Diaries of the Great War is a 2014 inter…
- Two brothers fleeing Alaska to Canada after fumbling a unwanted crime. Their escape leaves them trapped in an abandoned farm on the border.