- 这里是柬埔寨,这片神秘的土地上到处都是浓密的丛从和令人惊讶的失落的遗迹。本辑中,我们将与著名摄影记者大卫·亚当斯一首,从泰国边境出来,穿过柬埔寨的大湖——洞里萨湖,向北进入荒无人烟之地,之后沿湄公河向南到首都金边,最后到深入南柬埔寨Cerdamom山的丛林腹地——这片与世隔绝30多年的原始雨林是南亚最后的原始地带之一,大部分时候…
- Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and additional material by Hugh Wheeler. The musical is set in 1853 Japan and follows the difficult Westernization of Japan, through the lives of two friends caught in the change. The title of the work is ironic, noddi…