搜索 Beckley

  • Bringing exploitation back into the movies with this racy saga of the Clitorians - a group of lusty aliens who inhabit a Lost World inside a volcano. While they await the arrival of their Dark Lord, the Jungle Vampires stay eternally young by feasting on the flesh, blood and bones of unsuspecting tourists. Their latest…
  • based on Errol Flynn's autobiographical book of the same title, this film chronicles the life of the legendary actor who starred in more than 50 motion pictures. The story concentrates on the years between his arrival in Hollywood in 1935 as a 26-year-old unknown contract player through his rapid rise to public adorati…
  • 舞台杂耍演变成了性行为,但台下偶尔会有性场面,比如引座员与司仪的相遇,一位老色情明星在现场观众中手淫。
  • 迈克尔·杰克逊的惊悚音乐剧的成人恶搞,该音乐剧中有一位超级流行歌星J先生的粉丝,她的幻想在她的性冒险中以电影般的想象力肆无忌惮地展现出来。女主角是从一个有天赋的狼人(变形的J先生)那里得到的;她被绑架到一座奇怪的城堡,最后逃到了一个墓地,在那里她加入了一场令人难以置信的僵尸和食尸鬼之类的狂欢。当然,她古怪的探索充满了热辣的…
  • 在一次卖淫抓捕中,乔安妮很快就认识到了刑罚体系的残酷现实。在她到达监狱之前,她的第一堂课来自一名运输车司机,司机杰克对一再声称自己无罪感到恼火,于是停下了货车,当他的女性伴侣在出租车里抽烟休息时,他在另外三名没有表示反对的女性囚犯面前强奸了戴着镣铐的乔安妮。到达监狱后,监狱长告诉她,如果她希望获释,她必须学会“玩游戏”…
  • Greyhawks Rugby Club is under threat from land developers, and Dave's position as chairman is being challenged by an extremely loud Australian. The faithful few have gathered on the morning before the election to watch England in the Rugby World Cup Final and tensions are running high for more reasons than one Why does…
  • In a grisly spectacle of carnage, an unknown number of severed body parts wash ashore at Sandy Hook. A jogger literally stumbled upon an upper torso that had washed ashore as she sprinted down the beach at the end of the torrential hurrican that had knocked out power and had folks heading for the mainland. Police were …
  • 著名摄影师Alma(乔治娜·斯派温饰)因患上癌症所以放弃了工作离开了居住的城市,独自住在海边别墅,别墅里挂满了曾经工作照片和获奖照片,她被过去的回忆困扰着,她最终与附近的年轻女子Cosima(萨曼莎·福克斯饰)交往,但是,当Cosima开始操纵Alma并将其他人带入家中和她们生活在一起时,她们之间的恋情很快就变成了一场噩梦
  • 电视电影,由70年代剧集"Planet Of The Apes"其中两集"Tomorrow's Tide"和"Up Above The World So High"剪辑而成