搜索 Addis

  • A weekly series satirizing the world of entertainment, hosted by David Spade.
  • 电影喜剧
    1998年,《星球大战》系列即将归来,星战迷们为这消息所深深震撼。巴特勒(萨姆•亨廷顿 Sam Huntington 饰)曾有三个同为星战迷的好友,如今他为父亲的汽车销售行整日忙碌,与哈切(丹•福勒 Dan Fogler 饰)、利诺斯(克里斯•马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)、温多斯(杰伊•巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 饰)不再有往日的紧密友谊。某日,…
  • A man and his son vacation to the quiet vampire populated town of Salem's Lot.@www.molikan.com
  • TV and film star Jamie Kennedy (Scream, Malibu's Most Wanted, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, MTV's Blowin' Up) performs his first stand-up concert special, filmed before a sold-out audience at the San Jose Theater. Raunchier, edgier and more unpredictable than you've ever seen him, Jamie covers a wide variety of topics …
  • 电影名称:何處不相逢(When will we meet again?)導 演:洪叔雲編 劇:馮鳳謌主 演:張月兒/白駒榮/馮應湘/夏寶蓮/羅慕蘭/檸檬/黃金枝/李猛/朱影梅/李小曼上 映:1940年9月15日地 區:中國香港語 言:粵語顏 色:黑白類 型:愛情片故事梗概:月兒所飾演的女響導, 在一次偶然的機會下, 遇上了她最愛慕的紅伶(白駒榮飾), 更與他發生了關係。後…
  • 故事讲述了大金刚,一只在军警的围捕下从帝国大厦摔下并且重伤的大猩猩。十年后,大金刚在乔治亚州亚特兰大的一所大学医疗研究中心获得了复活的机会。研究人员开发了人工心脏,并准备为大金刚进行心脏移植手术。然而,他们面临着一个挑战,需要找到与大金刚相同种类的血液。在众人束手无策时,米奇意外地捕获了另一只母猿并将其卖给了政府,以便…
  • 筑梦奇人澳大利亚
    Australian version of the show which follows individuals as they attempt to construct dream homes.The leading Australian architect joins our homeowners throughout the process of turning ideas into reality, as people use design and architectural ingenuity to create an environment that best reflects their personality and…
  • 电影剧情