搜索 Ricky

  • 电影犯罪
  • On business trip in Milan, Bavarian architect Max Hauser falls in love with strong-willed waitress Bianca, who is fired for speaking up to his rude colleagues. When he proposes, she runs, but he traces her to Rome, where he finds she's actually the multi-titled rebellious daughter of impoverished prince and count Vibal…
  • 根据真实故事改编,讲述打击马共中的战斗英雄Kanang Anak Langkau中士的事迹
  • To help his brother achieve his goals as a student of classical music, a man sacrifices his own ambitions of a career as a serious musician and settles for being a drummer in a night club's band. As his popularity increases and his band gains a degree of fame, the drummer whom he replaced becomes determined to sabatoge…
  • 这次天狼星团队对这迷你外星人做了DNA测试、X光报告、CT断层扫描等所有能够做的化验几乎都做了,藉此来完整了解这个外星人的全部资讯,所以整体的化验报告整整历经十年才出炉,这当中还有一个问题就是早期的检验技术还没这么进步,所以一直无法得出结论,随着时间演进,才取得足够的资讯。首先史丹佛大学研究团队发现了他脸部产生骨折,这也是他…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 强盗头子“尖刀”麦基与波莉姑娘一见钟情、私定终身,气坏了波莉的爸爸、全城乞丐的保护商皮彻姆。皮彻姆向警方检举麦基诱拐妇女,并命令乞丐们大闹女王加冕典礼现场,以此胁迫跟麦基颇有交情的警察局长尽早处死麦基。麦基、波莉和强盗兄弟们各有算盘,但都不愿善罢甘休,由此掀起轩然大波……作为戏剧与音乐完美结合的艺术典范,德国戏剧家贝尔…
  • In this award-winning anthology, several international directors take on the most macabre stories of all, from the master of horror, Edgar Allen Poe.
  • 新兴致幻剂“紫色霓虹”,据说是可以召唤恶魔的神药