- With pokwer seemingly everywhere on TV these days, GSN turns to another card game. Since blackjack isn't really a head-to-head game, the object in this "World Series" is to collect as many chips as possible in a set number of hands. The winner of each episode will move on to the final table, with a $100,000 f…
- 《悲惨世界》以当时法国的政府治及社会现象作为架构,法国大革命背景下小人物的爱恨情仇在大文豪笔下展现无遗,奉献给观众文学之外的另一种意境,而《悲惨世界》十周年纪念演唱会,是1995年10月8日英国皇家亚伯厅演唱会现场的实况,音乐家陈容空前,场面浩大,出色的演唱和表演将自由、平等、博爱及深沉的人性挣扎与遗憾无奈的儿女情长——展现…