- 6Degrees is a late night university drama set in Belfast. The series follows six freshers arriving from throughout the UK and Ireland as they crash through their first term at university. Descending on Belfast, the lives of Jess (Georgia Maguire), Danny (Niall Wright), Conor (Cillian O'Sullivan), Sandie (Jayne Wisener)…
- Two gay friends, Vince and Stuart, live on a cocktail of sex, drugs and clubbing. They are both 29, and Stuart is the type of guy who cops off every time he goes out. One night, he spots 15-year-old Nathan, and brings him back to his apartment where they make love. Now, Nathan is still after Stuart, but Stuart just thi…
- Mickey O'Hara is a committed IRA member but his days of freedom fighting are long gone, leaving him peddling drugs and disenchanted with "the cause." When a deal goes wrong, things take a dramatic turn for Mickey, who is forced to kill his partner. Marked for death, Mickey flees to LA, determined to make a fr…
- Best friends Emily and Lesley decide to take a road trip to get away from it all. When Email makes a decision to turn off the busy highway and on to a desert road all hell breaks loose. They soon find themselves the target of a mysterious tow truck that forces them into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, turning their …