搜索 Ahmad

  • Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Swedens mightiest revolution immi…
  • The events of one day in the lives of a number of Cairo residents is a portrayal of unfulfilled dreams and frustrating details of life in the overpopulated Metropolis. Their paths cross and their stories overlap but they are caught up in their struggle and are oblivious to one another against the background of what use…
  • 被好莱坞《综艺》杂志誉为伊朗版《史密斯夫妇》,2006年伊朗人气喜剧,2006年伊朗百事达租片榜冠军。根据备受好评的自我工具书《找回内心的孩子》改编,描述一对婚姻不顺的夫妻,妻子对婚姻抱有天真幻想,丈夫却是怀抱沙文主义的大男人,两人试着改变自己不成熟的个性让婚姻可以合谐。
  • 阿兹拉,埃米尔和艾哈迈德是从小生活在伊斯坦布尔的三兄妹,他们来自一个阿富汗移民家庭。母亲去世后,阿兹拉不顾哥哥埃米尔的反对,坚持要为母亲实现她的遗愿,并将她的遗体埋葬在阿富汗。于是阿兹拉只身踏上了这趟危险的旅程。到达阿富汗后,她开始着手调查家族的过往,很快她所查到的线索逐渐关联起来,而她的身世也慢慢浮出水面。与此同时,…
  • A young teacher named Yasmin ("Min") goes off in search of her birth mother.
  • 清晨时份,天还未亮透,清理垃圾的青年在垃圾堆中发现一个秘密:那些没有寄出的书信草稿,原来来自一个男友刚刚自杀的女子。她写信申请出埠,探望远方的哥哥,藉以离开这片伤心地,奈何苦苦守候,沓无音讯。一切都给垃圾青年看在眼里。从未爱恋过的他,偏偏写起情诗来,篇篇却能触动寂寞芳心…… 导演首出长片绽放神采,诗意的雪景,幽幽的配乐…
  • 电影剧情
    马克马巴夫用异样的电影语言说出了伊朗电影电影近百年的历史,片中的一些镜头如散文诗一般优美,也有一些隐喻和象征,非常值得一看的伊朗艺术电影! 精彩的幻想片,只可惜DVD的画质一般。。
  • 讲述埃及前总统纳赛尔的生平。