搜索 Aisling

  • When Charlotte - a beautiful, broke student - is offered a job cat-sitting in a vast Georgian manor house over a long weekend, at £200 per night, she can't believe her luck, but her employers are far from being the harmless eccentrics that…
  • A young man hell bent on revenge uses dark forces to reanimate a recently unearthed mummy.
  • A look at Welsh poet Dylan Thomas's fatal visit to New York City, and his stormy relationship with his wife Caitlin.
  • 戴维(斯蒂夫·约翰·谢泼德 Steve John Shepherd 饰)和席奥(约翰·西姆 John Simm 饰)是彼此的挚友,两人无话不谈,无乐不作。实际上,戴维对待席奥有着超越了友情的感情,然而,面对自己的直男朋友,戴维选择将这份感情埋藏在心底。席奥有了女友,这让戴维感到非常的难过,为了拆散这两人,戴维忍不住使了坏。在戴维的小小诡计的作弄下,席…
  • 影片揭露三十年代爱尔兰一间男童院的阴暗面。男主角富有改革社会的理想,相信诗歌可改变人心。他刚打完西班牙内战回来,在男童院当教师,即跟暴戾成性的院长神父发生冲突。这些每因小过而被关进来的少年,在院长眼中只是畜牲,但整个教会和国家均对神父的暴力和性侵犯视而不见。
  • This blend of animation and documentary explores the brains and experiences of those with the neuro-cognitive phenomenon, Synesthesia.
  • 电影喜剧
  • In 1963 a young woman was possessed by a demon claiming to be the Devil, a local priest was requested by the girl's mother to perform an Exorcism. No one knows what became of them. 50 years later a group of filmmakers attempt to recreate the Exorcism but they are not prepared for the horror they will encounter. Capture…
  • 遥远的未来,一位穿着白色飘逸服装的美丽少女坐在一颗荒凉星球的旷野之上。她举起纤细的手指,试图通过念力控制砂砾,让它们聚集在一起。眼看就要成功之际,沙团突然崩裂,女孩脸上写满了失落。这时,一名形同导师的男人出现,他劝慰女孩不要着急,而女孩仍急于一试。男人不慌不忙地讲述久远以前的事,比如构成生命的最基本元素——水。地球最初…