- The State's Chief Minister, after being questioned by a reporter, Pugazhendi, challenges him to accept the position for a day, and see for himself the challenges that face him. Pugazhendi accepts the challenge, and immediately sets about to tour the region, suspend and prosecute corrupt officials, arrest several politi…
- 有关湿婆之子战神穆鲁干(室健陀)神迹的南印度泰米尔奉爱片。饰演长大版穆鲁干的演员Sivakumar是泰米尔明星苏利耶和卡尔迪的父亲,饰演穆鲁干妻子之一瓦丽的女演员便是大名鼎鼎的“印度铁娘子”J. Jayalalitha 。