搜索 Aja

  • 女主角Jan Jao 天生具有一种能看见鬼的超能力,在被带回祖父家中生活后,家里人似乎都对她充满着敌意,母亲的神秘失踪和学校剧院飘荡的女教师的幽灵之谜将慢慢揭开……
  • Emperor Raja Raja Chozan seems to count a little too much on his newly-appointed, deceptive minister. But he knows what he is doing.
  • 影片讲述19世紀法国女画家贝尔特·莫里索 (Berthe Morisot)和印象派大师爱德华·马奈(Édouard Manet)在当时轰动一时,而且影响印象派的爱情故事。电影由曾经被提名2013年法国凯撒奖最佳摄影《神圣车行》(Holy Motors) 的女摄影师卡洛琳·尚普蒂耶 (Caroline Champetier)首部执导的处女作。
  • 影片展现了几个在多伦多的看似无关的普通人,在两个礼拜中发生的交叉关系。年轻小伙加纳始终为过去所困;侦探约翰因为一通打错的电话开始怀疑起自己对于事业的热情;阿希因同性恋情人的自杀而憎恨其专横父亲;沙诺,一个为保护女儿而离开妻子、离开祖国斯里兰卡移居加拿大的鳏夫;雅利安移民到加拿大,可独子的死亡让他开始怀疑自己的决定是对是…
  • Set in Rayong Province, "Together" tells three stories of love linked by rain. In the first story, a married woman (played by Thai Princee Ubol Ratana) is visited by the father who abandoned her as a child, currently alone and suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In the second, a young professional couple is h…
  • Rishi(裡希)因為叔叔在警察局里当小职员,为了抓住海德拉巴任务的头目Kittu Bhai,他被派往Kittu Bhai女儿娃莎丽所就读的学校卧底做老师,而在此之前,他与班上的学生Vinamra(维德玛娜)早已互相爱慕。在两个女人之间,Rishi是是怎样在完成任务的同时守住爱情的呢?
  • Is it worth for their marriage if the husband no longer has his libido package when it was concealed in a bottle?
  • 心底善良的塔拉姆达斯早年丧妻,只身将阿沙和凯丝莉两个女儿养大成人。塔拉姆达斯视两个女儿为掌上明珠。当长女阿沙和韦卡斯成亲的时候,塔拉姆达斯将自己的一家工厂作为陪嫁送给了阿沙和韦卡斯。一天,韦卡斯乘飞机去孟买,准备拜访好友阿南。不料,他乘坐的飞机中途坠毁,韦卡斯不幸遇难。塔拉姆达斯失去乘龙快婿悲痛欲绝。他一度打算将那家工…
  • Imagine a jail where dangerous inmates awaiting trial live 24 to a room and fight each other under a violent gladiatorial code. This is life inside Miami's mega-jail, writes Louis Theroux.For a bespectacled, peace-loving Englishman, there can be few places less congenial than a berth on the sixth floor of Miami main ja…