搜索 Aja

  • 电影主要侧重于穆斯林为自由而斗争。这表明,穆斯林随着印度教的斗争中,反对英国殖民统治的解放。
  • Ambikapathy ('Pakoda' Pandian) comes to Chennai. Marina beach welcomes him. He turns a sundal seller to run his livelihhood. He comes across a host of characters and his perspective on life changes. His cool and casual manners wins him the admiration of other boys employed at the shores.An old man (Sundararajan) and po…
  • 四个求神的少年,有人为了把妹,有人想入选乒乓球队,有人希望问答比赛夺标。愿望成真,要在神坛前大庭广众跳还愿舞,否则怕会当衰。硬着头皮学舞,论论尽尽不紧要,被嘲笑固然难受,失去信念才是大忌。他们愿为所求之事付出多少?能否跳出我天地?抑或只是走了板的青春舞曲?
  • Mumbai Mirror is a cop-drama film, which with its unique screenplay that also manages to fall in the genres of suspense and action. The protagonist of the film is Abhijeet Patil, a police officer; and the film revolves around the rise and falls of his life.
  • A mahout has lost his elephant. A theater owner has lost her god. A god has lost his identity. A devil has lost his teeth. A constable has lost his faith. And theyve all lost their marbles. Greater Elephant is a wicked assembly of those who still havent found what theyre looking for: a purpose.
  • 电影悬疑
    这是一部反映二战期间匈牙利部队内部斗争的电影,影片真实的再现了二战时期匈牙利部队中的混乱与工人们分歧重重的现状,及那个时期这个小国在战争中的地位。沙堡中校是第十九团的团长,因为主持正义被叛徒迫害,他 的团被解散,他自己也被捕入狱。沙堡与叛徒的武装力量展开激烈的斗争,领导狱中的战士和老百姓成功占领监狱,并与大部队会合。战…
  • 电影剧情
    这部电影翻拍自大B 1973年主演的同名电影,影片以印地语和泰卢固语两种语言同时发行。主要讲述了ACP的维杰·卡纳警官与石油秘密犯罪组织斗智斗勇的故事,其中蕴含了亲情的悲离,爱情的甜蜜,还有友情的互助。柔和与硬朗的风格并行,值得一看。
  • 电影剧情
  • Herbert von Karajan famously professed, "Those who have achieved all their aims probably set them too low." A swirling mélange of previously unreleased footage and private recordings, Eric Schulz’s vibrant documentary applauds th…