- A docu-thriller focusing on the life, brief career, and mysterious death of Maryland filmmaker Karl Atticus, referred to by some as the "godfather of the slasher film." Features interviews with various historians and aficionados including Eduardo Sanchez, director of "The Blair Witch Project," who i…
- A group of friends (Fans of George Romero's films) that are attempting to complete a documentary about Pittsburgh horror filming locations. The friends set out on the tour not knowing the horror they love is about to become a reality.
- In the documentary, Comedy Warriors - Healing Through Humor, five severely wounded Iraq/Afghanistan veterans were given the opportunity to explore their experiences through the healing power of humor. This film follows their journey as they work with professional comedy writers, and A-List comedians: Zach Galifianakis,…
- 01.Prelude02.Olympic Airways03.My Number04.Bad Habit05.Milk and Black Spiders06.Blue Blood07.Late Night08.Providence09.Spanish Sahara10.Red Sock Pugie11.Electric Bloom12.Moon13.Inhaler14.Two Steps Twice15.Total Live Forever16.Balloons17.Miami
- A young woman is arrested for the murder of an elderly woman. At the police station she narrates her story, starting from the first year of the war. Her father was a military man who fled to Cairo, Egypt. Her mother had lived with a German officer. The girl had joined the Resistance movement, and when her father return…