- 一个好友请求彻底改变了 Kirat 的生活,当她与鲍比在网上的关系慢慢转变成恋情时,她永远也想不到鲍比并非表面上看起来那么简单。
- 一个有自杀倾向的退伍军人在一个冲浪疗养项目里找到了志同道合的人。该项目是通过冲浪帮助那些受过创伤的士兵康复。在这个成功的纪录片中,伊拉克战争老兵鲍比·莱恩与他的几个英雄同伴们共同通过冲浪应对严重的创伤。Resurface is a documentary about military veterans who use surf therapy to cope with PTS…
- Only a select few actors become international stars in their time, but none had as unique a career as Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was the first true film star, and he managed to do so even when films were still silent.