搜索 Alapag

  • Follows two delusional brothers, who are self-proclaimed filmmakers, as they are kicked out of their parent's house and end up on an epic cinematic journey.
  • based on the true story of five people who escape to paradise before WW2. A tense sexual thriller, when finally rescued, only one has survived.
  • 第六十届威尼斯国际电影节布兰齐奖第二十五届莫斯科国际电影节最佳影片洛杉矶拉丁电影节最佳导演及影片奖1936年的八月,西班牙内战爆发。杰克林,一个独自生活在乡村里的年轻羊倌,在路上遇到一个头部受到枪击,伤势严重的男人。他被法兰克部队执行了枪决。杰克林把他藏了起来,并 为他治好了枪伤,但这个家伙在清醒后却得了失意症,他忘记了关…