搜索 Albert

  • The story of Kaspar Hauser, who grew up in dark isolation from humanity, it is provided by a Gallician artist with a radical experimental adaptation that aims to be nothing less than a religious message. Black & white 16mm, without the language of reason, eye to eye with the primaeval puzzle.
  • Three US sailors fight German U-boats in World War I aboard a decoy ship and try to win Ginger Rogers who works on the Coney Island midway.
  • 一群熊孩子私下打探老师们的生活,并把老师们的各种私生活秘密放上网站,结果……
  • Enteng是个倒霉和笨拙的屌丝,他深深爱着妹妹的白富美老师,但和她在一起简直是癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉、土耗子上猫咪逼。在健身房打工的时候,Enteng偶然发现了一个神奇的杠铃,Enteng举起杠铃并大喊一声“杠铃队长”便能变身为力量强大、惩恶扶弱的超级英雄。Enteng用这种能力对抗着 Lagablab,、Freezy和Dagampat三个反派的作恶,并上演了一出屌…
  • 某座公寓的一户人家,午夜时分,刺耳的电话铃突然响起。孔武健壮留着络腮胡的男人坐起身子接通电话,他未作过多迟疑,驱车来到了一家名为“DOLL”的夜总会门前。昏黄的路灯下,一只战战兢兢、肥硕无比的巨兔悄然出现。它拖着一个沉重的口袋,警觉地坐上了男人的汽车,其间则焦虑地吸着香烟。少顷,车停在路边。小丑模样的老男人坐了上来。小丑试…
  • Guerrero, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, crosses the border into the United States in search of his family. After arriving in San Diego, California he meets organized crime boss Gino Santoro, who offers him lodging, a job, and help in finding his family. There is only one condition... he must fight in an underground…
  • 'The Trials of Muhammad Ali' covers Ali's toughest bout: his battle to overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth, Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning race, religion, and…
  • 赵菱香的父亲开了一家名叫协昌源的洋货铺, 赵菱香经常身穿洋货这使得她受到同学们的排挤,赵老板派徒弟叶庆彰到乡下收帐以应付资金短缺。此时涌盛祥老板暗中想吞掉协昌源,多家债主都来逼迫协昌源还债,商会会长怂恿赵老板把菱香嫁给早有两个太太的华局长,赵老板没有同意。一天,涌盛祥老板趁赵老板被抓进监狱时购买了协昌源的货物, 协昌源最…