- 周五要举行小学的第13届舞会,提米却找不到人和他一起去。所以他想起了辛迪和瑞特委里小镇,但最后他却带去了考斯米和万达。此时,吉米正在考虑邀请辛迪去参加舞会。之后,吉米和提米表演了魔力科幻的节目,而该节目吸引了吉米的夙敌凯勒米瑞斯教授的注意。反对仙女派从监狱里逃了出来,反对多样化派们遇见了凯勒米瑞斯教授并背叛了他。吉米和提…
- 残酷漫画,也许你看过HTF-Happy Tree Friends这原本是个成人残酷漫画集锦影音杂志后来不断发展壮大。作品以短篇为主充满大胆想象力并且不受任何道德理念限制完全是成年向解压作品。
- James, a 19 year old comp-sci student, is mourning the death of his father who jumped out of the first tower in the 9/11 attacks. He has become convinced that uncertainty is the root of all evil and strives to contain all problems using sophisticated computer algorithms. In the process, he distances himself from the ve…