- The film follows the story of a young couple, Jovana and Aleksa, forced to move from the land of their ancestors, desperately trying to find their place in new town with new circumstances. They are living in constant solitude, as Aleksa is working abroad in order to provide a better life for both of them--until infidel…
- This TV drama shows a gymnasium class on the end of the 19th century, which was all but not an ordinary class. Full of intellectuals, and young scientists, writers and artists, this class was highly with potential and many of them were later famous in Serbian history. metaphor is old professor's Kosta Vujic hat, which …
- Comedy about a young couple who discover on the very day of their departure to holidays that their train seats had been reserved for two different days. During travel tickets purchase, Visnja is, by mistake, forced to travel to sea before her husband. With her arrival to a summer resort, Visnja gets many suitors, while…
- Once a servant, a lonely herdsman in the mountain, in times of ruffians and murderer occupation - Maksim, in the name of dark political conceptions, is terrorizing a few villages in an isolated mountain area. Under the black-marketeer disguise, a city woman keeps constant contact between the town and the mountain villa…
- King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister, Louse Barthou, were assassinated in Marseille on October 9, 1934. BULLETS OVER MARSEILLE follows the trial of the assassin Vlade Georgijev Cernozemski’s co-conspirators. Through the reconstruction and dramatization of the legal proceedings, but also everything t…
- 《日本电影豆瓣高分排行》本片导演堪称东欧电影的逆子,以针砭时政和弘扬#情 为己任。经典场景是主人公#爱和贝多芬《欢乐颂》之间的切换,显示了导演对性爱的诠释。 (第十八届柏林电影节评委会特别奖,最佳导演奖)