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  • 成长于资讯不及现时流通的五零年代的英国, Chris Winters 从小深感自己与传统性别角色格格不入。 经历了一段痛苦的童年后,Chris 终邂逅梦中情人 Julie。但当二人开始过着简单而甜蜜的生活之际,一场意外令她俩坠入人生低谷。自责的 Chris 不断想像:如果自己被生在另一个躯体中,事情有可能会变得不一样吗?
  • Group of young people trying to save the Egyptian Ambassador in India as part of a comedy -by- http://www.bttiantang99.com/
  • The ultimate insiders documentary of the legendary Hyde Park Hotel in the 90's; a home for dropouts, misfits and scumbags who like to play Rock & Roll. Its rise and fall, its punks, and its ultimate corporate take over. Fridey at the Hydey deals with the loss of culture in Perth, and reflects on a place that oddbal…
  • 这部名叫《你好!Llamigo 》的短片是由查利帕里西和克里斯汀常共同导演的,短片讲述了一只名叫Llamigo的小鹿和片中的小男孩奇妙纯真的友情故事。
  • One iconic black box has probably more than anything else come to define the sound of rock - the Marshall amplifier. It has been, quite literally, behind some of the greatest names in modern music.It all started in 1962 when drum shop owner Jim Marshall discovered the distinctive growl that gave the electric guitar an …
  • 电影
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影惊悚
    The story of Howard Winstone is a compelling one. Howard became Featherweight Champion of the World at the age of 29 in 1968. What makes Howard's story quite remarkable is that as a young man he lost the tips of three fingers in an industrial accident of his home town of Merthyr Tydfil. The accident was so severe that …
  • 先來介紹一下這部劇   1.此劇是由電視台The Hub從11月14到11月17日所撥出   2.此劇共有五集 每集約23分鐘   3.此劇劇情以偵探及懸疑為主   4.此劇主角之一Sterling Beaumon 曾客串Kickin' It第一季第四集   其他詳細資料及劇情簡介請往   维基百科:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_
  • 电影动作