搜索 Elaine

  • 电视剧游戏
  • Natasha is a TV host assigned to cover the mysterious happenings on Pulau Indah Kayangan. Together with her crew, Adam and Dino, they explore the island, which was solely inhabited by local tribes until a big company decides to develop it as a tourist attraction. Upon arrival at the island, they are met by a handsome b…
  • Visiting her alma mater, Hadleigh Heights, to give an address, Mrs. Bradley finds herself investigating the death of Miss Ferris, who is found in her dressing room just prior to her appearance in the student production of the Mikado. Mrs. Bradley and her chauffeur George suspect that the dead woman may have had a secre…
  • 成长于资讯不及现时流通的五零年代的英国, Chris Winters 从小深感自己与传统性别角色格格不入。 经历了一段痛苦的童年后,Chris 终邂逅梦中情人 Julie。但当二人开始过着简单而甜蜜的生活之际,一场意外令她俩坠入人生低谷。自责的 Chris 不断想像:如果自己被生在另一个躯体中,事情有可能会变得不一样吗?
  • 卡莉在一堆糟糕到不行的約會中她終於遇到了好像可以認真交往的米羅,直到她發現了他的真面目…。他變成她”生命中的沒好缺漢”,發生的一切都漸漸讓她快要抓狂,於是她綁架米羅,羞辱他並找來精神官能症的患者及朋友商量要怎麼讓自己從這一連串烏煙瘴氣中脫身。
  • Chris Evans hosts a spectacular concert staged at the iconic Horse Guards Parade in London, forming the centrepiece of the national celebrations for the 70th anniversary of VE Day. From the declaration of war through to the celebrations on VE Day, the show captures and reflects the spirit and mood of the nation at that…
  • 一位美国华裔舞者无意中发现母亲患病的实情,带着对母亲的爱,寻得自己内心的力量故事。   安妮和中国移民母亲一起生活在洛杉矶。安妮是个有潜质的现代舞者,但她始终无法将情感注入她的舞步。当母亲意外住院后,她不得不担负起家里干洗店生意的生计。几经挣扎,她终于领悟到自己舞步中缺失的是一份内心的坚强。但当母亲的健康状况日益衰退,…
  • 四个年轻人在树林里恶作剧吓走游客,吸引媒体。结果他们发现有个外星人会被他们吸引来的媒体发现,就齐心协力引开媒体,让外星人有机会离开地球。