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  • A couple on holiday travels around Corsica. There's some tension between them because Pierre wants Natalie to have his child. They stay at another couple's house and are joined by the disturbing appearance of a girl.
  • Candice(王奕瑾饰演)去东京拜访家族的合作伙伴,进行商务之旅同时,好奇心重的她为已逝世16年的叔叔找寻旧爱Joyce(朱永菁饰演)。然而,Joyce当天却没有依约在东京铁塔出现。Candice置身在语言文化陌生的环境,不仅迷失在东京街头 ,面对人事已非的东京,对于寻人任务是否能完成更是没有把握。当Candice终于克服重重困难与Joyce见面。Ca…
  • 'Hannah' tells the story of Buddhist pioneer Hannah Nydahl and her life bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. From her idealistic roots in 1960's Copenhagen to the hippie trail in Nepal, Hannah and her husband Ole became two of the first Western students of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa - the first consciously reincar…
  • Set in the deep south,the film centers around an underground snuff ring that travels from town to town destroying all in its path. This time, it's up to the locals of Polk County to take matters into their own hands or become another pit stop.
  • On the night before Halloween, four high school friends choose to bail on the big costume party in favor of some holiday vandalizing, a choice with dire consequences.
  • A lonely guy falls for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. When she finds herself in trouble with some very bad people he goes to extreme measures to keep her safe.
  • 电影偶像
    莉拉(纳瓦·尼姆利 Najwa Nimri 饰)曾是风靡乐坛的传奇巨星,在经历了漫长的十年封麦后,她终于决定复出。然而,就在复出演唱会即将举行之际,莉拉竟然昏倒在海滩,醒来后失去了所有的记忆,其中包括那些她曾经能够倒背如流的歌曲。碧欧蕾坦(卡梅·埃利亚斯 Carme Elias 饰)是独自抚养女儿的单亲妈妈,靠着在卡拉OK酒吧卖唱来维持生计。莉…