搜索 Esther

  • 电视剧犯罪
  • 电影喜剧
  • 'Hannah' tells the story of Buddhist pioneer Hannah Nydahl and her life bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. From her idealistic roots in 1960's Copenhagen to the hippie trail in Nepal, Hannah and her husband Ole became two of the first Western students of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa - the first consciously reincar…
  • A single mother's mental health is failing, and her young daughter has to deal with her rapidly switching moods and bizarre outbursts.
  • Marigold Tate (Lupino) runs away from boarding school to stay with her retired aunt. She faces hostility from the locals, who display bigotry and snobbery towards her. During a witchcraft trial she is forced into a pool of water. The event is covered by newspaper editor Julian Barrow (Arlen), who falls in love with Tat…
  • A new, hilarious how-to manual full of over the top tips to push the envelope and open the dialogue about the wonders and woes of womanhood, covering everything from frenemies, girl fights and cutting bathroom lines to dancing, drinking and dating.
  • 故事发生在一个小镇的郊外,有人在水沟里发现一个小女孩,她旁边躺着一具尸体,那正是她的好朋友保罗。他们分别被戴上了小红帽和大灰狼的面具。起初,警方认为这里是发生了一起肇事逃逸事件,保罗当场死亡,而女孩维治尼还奄奄一息。后来, 随着案件逐渐明朗,真相是维治尼被强暴了,而保罗则被无情的杀害。当地居民都互相认识,他们都小心翼翼…
  • 大致内容是说这家神秘的餐馆将骗掳来的路人制作成人肉宴专门招待以此为乐的富人们,男主发现了这个秘密,下毒将这些禽兽全杀了..。