搜索 Allocca

  • 这是一个一个寻找快乐的故事。十年前,钢琴家Sergio与兄长Alfredo分道扬镳:两位都是热爱音乐的人,却无法在音乐事业上如愿发展。Alfredo遂决定抛开世俗的一切去寻找快乐,离家前住印度达兰萨拉出家修练成为和尚;Sergio则在拿破里当上的士司机。他日复日的听着收音机穿过大街小巷,遇上了不同的人,聆听不同的故事。导演以动画画出哲理与智慧,…
  • Sofia is a girl thirty years fascinated by the world of horses as disappointed and puzzled by the average male population. After collecting a series of terrible dates with men witless, faithless or terribly pedantic, decided to make the subject of a book in which I am associated with the behavior of men in equine psych…
  • Mario Bartoloni is a Milanese employee of the Cartier chain who is offered an exchange of headquarters in Rome with his colleague Marini. In the agreement there is also the exchange of the house between the two colleagues. He arrives in Rome after a terrible journey, in which his car and suitcase are stolen, and he als…
  • 故事讲述因失火,在木屋区生活的大明、小红兄妹成了流浪街头的孤儿。一个失业男子把他们领回家,他的妻子却不愿接受,大吵一架后去做了妓女。不久失业汉因参加偷运私酒入狱,大明被送进孤儿院,小红为一对教师夫妇领养。最后终于在贫苦却善良的人的努力下,失业汉和妻子和好如初,大明和小红兄妹也得以团聚
  • tarantaontheroad
    A man and a woman, illegal immigrants with nothing in common, find themselves to travelling together just landed in Italy from North Africa and having to pretend to be a married couple in the eyes of three Italian musicians in crisis whom have decided to help them to reach Paris.