搜索 Almazán

  • X Quinientos tells the story of three individuals living on the American continent who are confronted with the death of someone close. These traumatic events lead them to travel and to physically change so as to survive and begin the long process of grieving.
  • 两名没有名字的男子在一座废弃的大楼中相遇。他们相识?他们从未谋面?我们不知道,只感觉到黑发男子的心灵像一头困兽一般地挣扎着。另一名男子脸上带着隐忍的表情。入夜他们还是拥抱在了一起,但结果又会怎样呢?导演以死亡为意向,表现了同性恋者之间情欲的诉求与禁忌。
  • Eight North American men, two African American, two Latinos, two Asian American and two Caucasian were gathered by director Lee Mun Wah, for a dialog about the state of race relations in America as seen through their eyes. The exchanges are sometimes dramatic, and put in plain light the pain caused by racism in North A…
  • 在墨西哥的一个渔村,外国佬吉姆·盖茨比策划了一个非法捕虾计划,并与当地政府以及嫉妒心强的墨西哥渔民佩佩·甘博阿(Pepe Gamboa)发生了冲突,后者怀疑他的妻子玛格达莱娜(Magdalena)不忠。