搜索 Amalric

  • 弗朗茜丝卡和男友马丹一起住在巴黎市富人区第七区的一间大的公寓房子里,由于受益于1948年的旧法令,这间公寓虽然面积有350平方米,但两人只需支付很少的租金。两人因此慷慨收容了一帮人:一位昏了头的老奶奶、一位青春少女的妹妹和她的一些女伴、一位歇斯底里、抑郁消沉的婶婶、以及一位经常吃白食、自称是电影导演但却很久未再拍电影的朋友。…
  • Un cinéaste tente de se plonger, lui et son équipe, dans l'univers incandescent de Port-Royal et du Jansénisme, esquissant par fragments un autre Grand Siècle, étrangement familier, celui de Pascal, de Racine et des "Amis de la Vérit…
  • 莫里克斯和玛丽娜在一个巴黎的节日上相遇。五年后,他们有了两个孩子。因为家庭的责任,使莫里克斯的导演工作,随着操劳家庭而离自己越来越远。而玛丽娜事业蒸蒸日上,离家庭生活也越来越远。终于,在一次伊比沙岛的旅途中玛丽娜出走。几年后,当玛丽娜带领着一群美国客户再次出现在比利牛斯山脉时,玛丽娜发现了莫里克...
  • À l’automne 1430, Jeanne d’Arc, pris onnière d’un puissant seigneur du nord de la France, est vendue aux Anglais. Entre les murs qui l’enferment, le temps d’un convoi longeant la mer ou près du bûcher qui la verra périr, des hommes tent…
  • 不可思议的旅程第一季
    This is the story of a world whose territories and own frontiers were built by the slave trade. A world where violence, subjugation and profit imposed their routes.
  • n invaluable companion-piece to both THE SORROW AND THE PITY and SHOAH, this epic two-part documentary traces the special relationship between France and its Jewish citizens from Napoleonic times to the present day. As the film demonstrates, it has been a profoundly double-edged relationship. France was the first Europ…
  • A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teach…