- 影片故事来源于一篇新闻报道,一个真实姓名叫埃斯特·里德的女孩通过冒充其他人,她在俄亥俄州拿到了GED成绩,加利福尼亚的SATs中拿到了优秀的成绩,得到了三所大学的录取,其中包括哈佛和哥伦比亚大学的继续教育机会,还得到了10万美元的贷款。在这个过程中,她欺骗了很多人,包括机动车辆管局的职员,也包括大学教授,还包括她正在约会的西点…
- Okay, I'll admit it, I like vampire movies..and Abe's Tomb was no exception. The girls in the movie are quite lovely but for me, being a woman, that wasn't the draw (but for any red-blooded male, it will be), for me, it was the depth of the characters and the storyline, itself. Mr. Merritt's first movie shows his skill…
- written and directed by Brian Cranopremiered at Palms Springs International Festival of Short Films 2008.After watching over five hundred short films we decided to make this one, a composite of the ideas currently passing for contemporary short films.Tropes lampooned include the above mentioned pointlessness of the nar…