搜索 Basham

  • On March 13, 1997, unexplained lights fly over Phoenix and a mysterious man appears, unfolding a series of extraordinary events.
  • Okay, I'll admit it, I like vampire movies..and Abe's Tomb was no exception. The girls in the movie are quite lovely but for me, being a woman, that wasn't the draw (but for any red-blooded male, it will be), for me, it was the depth of the characters and the storyline, itself. Mr. Merritt's first movie shows his skill…
  • A seriocomic feature about a playwright who feeds off his stubborn attraction to the wrong type of guy. When he attracts the attention of a newspaper columnist who will champion his work, success seems guaranteed until he meets her boyfriend.
  • 电影生活
  • 为了潜心学习研究,国王和他的同伴发誓三年不近女色。不料他们的志存高远马上就要经受严峻的考验:法国的公主与其女伴就在来的路上。