This is about a house in Bamako – an artist’s house. This house is a link to his parents, to his history, to his memories. One day in 2008, his sisters are unlawfully evicted from it.This is also about the artist’s country, Mali. A country…
博尔赫斯曾说:“如果有天堂,天堂应该是图书馆的模样。”而对于一年在百老汇看500部剧的尼基•考克安尼来说,天堂则是剧院的模样。40遍《猫》,10遍《长夜漫漫路迢迢》, 她对百老汇上演的一切戏剧耳熟能详。她一边说着“生活就是戏剧(Life is theater)”,一边让自己生活在戏剧中(Life in theater),而电影也采取了这样的拍摄方式,将百老…