搜索 Anahita

  • A woman, married for 10 years, has an extra-marital affair and gets pregnant. She debates on whether she should tell her husband and plays out various scenarios in her mind about how he will react to her confession.
  • 影片主要讲述一个过去富裕但如今贫困的一家人的故事。瓦兹瑞一家人每天都在为了生计而过着煎熬的生活。随之而来的是,一位求婚者来向这一家唯一的女儿求婚。影片的男主人公奥米德从国外留学回到家中,不知家中变故,却随即被卷入家族遭遇的困境中。影片最后,奥米德带上行囊离开家,屋外下起了雪,这时主题呼之即出。隐喻着这一家人的经济是否会…
  • Let'stalk
    A woman, married for 10 years, has an extra-marital affair and gets pregnant. She debates on whether she should tell her husband and plays out various scenarios in her mind about how he will react to her confession.
  • Shahab who is about to get marry with his fiance is in desperate need for money. For bringing money he with the help of his friend participates in a bargain but loses all his money. Under all the pressures from his family and his fiance Shahab is force to go to the beyond.
  • 萨哈伯、纳哈尔、哈麦德等五人在科学领域天赋异禀,并且已经拥有了一项发明专利,正准备从伊朗移民到欧洲。然而就在他们即将前往意大利时,哈麦德突然因病昏迷,急需做肝脏移植手术。...
  • 关于1986年伊朗军队高级将领在后方的家属的故事
  • 一天,像往常一样,扎丽(Anahita Ne'mati 饰)投身于井井有条的工作和生活中,突然之间,一阵严重的腹痛袭击了她,令她不得不放下手中的一切,前往医院就医。根据医生诊断,扎丽患上了阑尾炎,需要进行阑尾切除手术,可是好巧不巧,扎丽的医保卡过期了,这也就意味着,如果她此时进行手术,她将付出许多额外的费用。  扎丽灵机一动,向好友蕾…