搜索 Andras

  • Grogan (Kevin Heffernan) and Matt (Paul Soter) get caught red-handed stealing food from the college cafeteria, but Felix (Steve Lemme) calmly climbs out a back window and gets away. Later, at a party with his friend, Zach (Jay Chandrasekar), Felix catches sight of Suzanne (Kayren Butler) and is immediately smitten. But…
  • 故事发生在罗马尼亚同匈牙利边境上的小镇Salonta,很多非法移民都希望通过这里进入匈牙利然后是更远的西欧。四十来岁的Nelu是当地一家超市里的保安,他的日子是固定的,早起钓一会儿鱼,然后是工作,晚上回到妻子Florica身边。他俩居住在城外人烟稀少的地方。一天早晨,Nelu从河里“钓”到并不是鱼,而是一名试图越境的土耳其男子。尽管语言不通…
  • This film by writer/director Andras Jeles was completed in 1983 but was not released until several years later. It tells the story of a "worker's brigade" attempting to produce a play by a Soviet writer for the Hungarian stage. Their conversations about censorship and brutal law enforcement may have had somet…
  • Eckermann (Laszlo Kistamas) is a listless computer whiz who spends most of his time lounging in a bathtub holding imaginary conversations with cartoon characters usually more popular with children than grownups. He has some friends who want to use his skills to steal some money from a local gambling joint. He works out…
  • 电影生活
    二十世纪六十年代初的香港,刘先生(张国柱 饰)本是一名作家,但“时运不济”不得不靠撰写不入流的武侠小说、色情小说来维持生活,现实与刘先生曾经所追求的人生大相径庭。生活的不得已让刘先生沮丧,以至于日日夜夜买醉而归,试图麻醉自己逃避现实。年纪虽不小,刘先生却依旧浮萍一般没有定性,到处搬家。起初,在他租住那间小屋碰到了仅仅十…
  • There is a group of people (only males) who are called The Immortals. They live outside time and their mission is to change the reality of humanity in order to make it a better reality. They try to do this with the help of computers and they then make the changes. They prefer minimal changes. The main character, Harlan…