搜索 Rimbu

  • 故事发生在罗马尼亚同匈牙利边境上的小镇Salonta,很多非法移民都希望通过这里进入匈牙利然后是更远的西欧。四十来岁的Nelu是当地一家超市里的保安,他的日子是固定的,早起钓一会儿鱼,然后是工作,晚上回到妻子Florica身边。他俩居住在城外人烟稀少的地方。一天早晨,Nelu从河里“钓”到并不是鱼,而是一名试图越境的土耳其男子。尽管语言不通…
  • A 65-year old man named Cărturan lives a quiet life in a mountain village with his 12-year old grandson whom he has raised alone since the boy was little.Unfortunately, a visit to the doctor brings dire, unexpected news: due to a serious i…
  • Krystal and her twin brother/roommate confront twenty-eight years of their codependency when they start dating the same guy.