搜索 Animal

  • 电影冒险
    炎炎夏日,为了找到所向披靡的独角仙,大雄(大原めぐみ 配音)痛哭流涕,对哆拉A梦(水田わさび 配音)软磨硬泡。无奈之下,哆拉A梦和哆拉美(千秋 配音)拿出时光圈,帮大雄在500年前的新西兰寻找独角仙,谁知却意外抓到了早已灭绝的恐鸟。为了不至于让恐鸟走向灭亡,他们决定将其送往奇迹之岛。奇迹之岛是由未来的科学家开发的专门用来收留、…
  • 电影惊悚
    Deux ans après l'apparition des premières mutations de l'homme vers l'animal. La société s'adapte, prend en charge et tente de soigner ses "créatures" dans des centres spécialisés. Mais un convoi a un accident, et les Créatures…
  • Your Bad Animals
    Rachel, a rebellious young mouse who lives with her depressed mother in a burrow, starts dating the most dangerous animals in the city above the ground.
  • 电影灾难
    西非撒哈拉沙漠边境,统治族群长达三年之久的黑猩猩戴维面临其他雄性的挑战,为了守住王权,他开始选择结盟。而当遭到围攻后,这位不死的王者又毅然决然踏上夺回王位的复仇之路。南极大陆,数千只帝企鹅爸爸团聚一起,与极其寒冷的永夜作抗争。他们等待新生命的出生,等待 爱人的归来。肯尼亚草原,雌狮查姆竭尽全力守护族群,在巨大的灾难面前…
  • 电影
    A young circus performer, stuck under the harsh rules of her father and community expectations, finds herself captivated by small-town America, forcing her to question everything.
  • 电影
    Activists have been fighting for animal rights for decades. Can they get justice for farm animals in meat production or is the food industry unstoppable? The film depicts the structural nature and systematic use of power in animal production through three central characters. They have been in a David-and-Goliath battle…
  • 电影生活
    这一次,野生动物摄影师戈登·布坎南 (Gordon Buchanan) 和他的团队为更多野生动物配备了摄像机。 通过使用小巧轻便的设备,戴着相机的动物揭示了大大小小的生物们突破性的新行为。潜入鲨鱼、逆戟鲸和海龟的神秘生活。探索塔斯马尼亚袋獾和袋鼠的奇妙世界。带着狐蝠舰队和塘鹅中队升空。这些素材不仅帮助戈登和他的专家团队更好地了解这些动物,…
  • 电影剧情
    A teenage BMX racer has to choose between his love, his dreams and revenge when his brother's alleged murderer returns to gritty Alamogordo, New Mexico.
  • 《最热门的电影2020》Over two dozen top-name acts make this 'audio/visual rock thing' come to life in a rock and roll journey that moves all over, from Katmandu to London's Royal Albert Hall; an in-depth, backstage interview with The Rolling Sto…
  • 电影