- http://www.oddsac.com/Opening with torch-wielding villagers and a wall bleeding oil, ODDSAC attaches vivid scenery and strange characters to the wonderful melodic wavelengths of the band Animal Collective, revitalizing the lost form of the “visual album.” Working on the project for three years with friend Danny Perez, …
- 两名日本男子帮助一名越战逃兵从日本逃到瑞典。他们计划通过出售迷幻药来为逃跑提供资金。毒品交易的消息传开后,他们发现自己必须抵挡敌对帮派的攻击,少女真子的姐妹帮派也被牵扯其中。
- The former star of a short-lived television sitcom, Fabien, drinks too much to remember everything he does and not much surprises him anymore. When his path crosses Yoni’s, he is not surprised to discover, in the wake of this young, tearful, military man, the head of yet another young man, beautiful like a dream, a mem…
- 鸣人(竹内顺子 配音)、小樱(中村千绘 配音)、卡卡西(井上和彦 配音)和小李(増川洋一 配音)四人接到新的任务,他们要护送月之国王子月满回国。月之国位于三日月岛,该国超级富有,他们的王子月满则俨然一个纨绔子弟的形象。受父王之命,月满带着儿子小光及众多随从周游列国,沿途买了无数的东西。所谓树大招风,不少歹徒打起月之国一行的…
- 炎炎夏日,为了找到所向披靡的独角仙,大雄(大原めぐみ 配音)痛哭流涕,对哆拉A梦(水田わさび 配音)软磨硬泡。无奈之下,哆拉A梦和哆拉美(千秋 配音)拿出时光圈,帮大雄在500年前的新西兰寻找独角仙,谁知却意外抓到了早已灭绝的恐鸟。为了不至于让恐鸟走向灭亡,他们决定将其送往奇迹之岛。奇迹之岛是由未来的科学家开发的专门用来收留、…