- Raqs媒体小组的多样实践囊括了装置、雕塑、录像、表演、文本、词典编纂和策展,其创作位于当代艺术、哲学思辨与历史探究的交汇点。《坠入时间锥的自行车手》游移于事实与虚构之间,徘徊在1980年:沐浴在曙光暮辉之中,充满变幻的一年。这部影像拍摄于新德里的腹地——在荒野之间,在他处的边界——Raqs媒体小组通过存在于过去与当下之间的图像、…
- http://www.oddsac.com/Opening with torch-wielding villagers and a wall bleeding oil, ODDSAC attaches vivid scenery and strange characters to the wonderful melodic wavelengths of the band Animal Collective, revitalizing the lost form of the “visual album.” Working on the project for three years with friend Danny Perez, …
- Intimate and fragmented moments unfold in a community of zoos and animal rescue centers across Argentina. As the histories of these institutions are uncovered, dedicated workers commit both day and night to caring for the remaining enclosed animals, fostering a mutual bond that transcends the imagined boundaries betwee…