搜索 Anina

  • Vera and Bruno used to be a couple, but haven't seen one another since they separated. He coincidentally appears before her during a long-awaited country house weekend with friends on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
  • Brennnesselbad
    Kim cannot take it anymore. Frustrated by problems at school and trouble with her mother, she walks to her father. She is not well prepared for this long hike, which is why she soon finds herself confronted not only with her thoughts, but with all sorts of small and large obstacles. A film on growing up as a means of e…
  • 电影剧情
    特拉维斯·布洛克(Travis Block)是一名神秘的政府特工,专门清除那些被揭发的特工,他揭露了自己队伍中的一个致命阴谋,这个阴谋达到了权力的最高阶层。
  • 女王的棋局第一季
    根据沃尔特·特维斯的小说改编,这个成长故事探索了天才背后真正的代价。20 世纪 50 年代末,年幼的贝丝·哈蒙(安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰)被遗弃并托付给肯塔基州的一家孤儿院。她具有惊人的国际象棋天赋,同时对政府提供给孩童的镇静剂上瘾。贝丝被自己心中的恶魔所困扰,在药物和痴迷的双重作用下,她变成了一个令人印象深刻、技艺高超且富有魅力的…
  • 电影
    On July 30, 2018, documentary filmmaker Aleksandr Rastorguev was killed in the Central African Republic. Even though his life’s work was cut short, it showed his full potential and left a unique mark on Russian cinema. Rastorhuev is a port…
  • 狼门血影第一季