- The powerful true story behind the most popular Christmas carol of all time. In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collis…
- 从“纳茨百瑞救援中心”刚刚认领回来的猫咪,被女主人带回了家。其实这只猫咪的嘴里住着一个老头。他观察着女主人的一举一动,更偷窥着女主人的一颦一笑。可当他看见墙洞中的小女人时,却表现得异常排斥和厌恶。他顶着猫咪的身体跟女主人亲密接触,深深沉浸在拥抱过后的意淫中。终于,他不再甘于待在猫咪的口腔里,开始从猫咪的牙缝中使劲往外钻…