搜索 Anjali

  • Proud, wealthy, and haughty Kiran meets with down-to-earth middle-class fellow collegian, Shekhar, and after several clashes and misunderstandings, both fall in love and decide to get married. Shekhar meets with Kiran's dominating mom and mousy dad, and is told that he must successfully pass a test that will be put to …
  • 取材自印度史诗罗摩衍那,王子罗摩的妻子悉多被十首王罗波那劫走,在群猴的帮助下,罗摩战胜罗波那,救回悉多。本片中Taraka Rama Rao Nandamuri 饰演罗波那。
  • Mrinalini, an ageing actress, writes a suicide note. As a performer, the first lesson she had learnt was timing – the perfect moment for making an entrance or an exit on stage. On the stage of life, her entrance had been outside her contro…
  • Sira is a 10 year old boy of a street family who makes their living by singing and dancing on the street. He has a physically handicapped young sister. Father is suffering from a heart disease for a long time, but ignores medical treatments as he can't afford the expenses and time for it.Sira has a dream of buying a bi…
  • K沉迷烟瘾不能自拔,妻子阿嘉莉因为不能忍受他而离家出走,并声称如果K不能戒烟就永远不回来。这下他意识到问题的严重性,于是决定戒烟。在一家康复中心,K见到了巴芭·孟加,康复中心的负责人。起初K并不相信巴芭能将他的烟瘾戒掉,并对巴芭的治疗手段颇有微词,在一系列“斗争”之后,K神奇地戒掉了烟瘾,妻子也回到了她身边,故事圆满结局。
  • An old woman and her cat enter into their dream world through her matchbox collection. A tale of urban loneliness told through the graphic styles of matchbox art.
  • 纳萨尔派是印度共产主义运动中的极左派系,信奉毛主义,主张通过农民武装斗争夺取政权。盘踞在南迪格地区的纳萨尔组织,困扰政府多年。安迪警官封命清剿,不料屡屡受挫,遂将好友卡比尔送入敌营,充当卧底。卡比尔不负期望,提供情报,为警方立下汗马功劳。然而,当他亲身体会到农村的贫穷落后,当他亲眼 目睹政府强占穷人的土地,当他与毛派分…
  • 电影
  • 电影剧情